The third stage is that you introduce a new product or service

The customer knows your product – they know what they are doing – they know they want it. At this point, they simply haven’t bought it yet. Your headline – or rather, the entire ad – nes to contain little more than the product name and a bargain price. For example: polariz sunglasses -30% off. These ads aren’t very creative because you don’t want to mess with the customer’s mind either. They just want to buy it already.

The second stage is the customer knows the product but doesn’t want it

In this case, the potential customer is not fully aware of all the features and is not convinc of how well your product works. Here – in the approach to this market – you are dealing with a product that is known – your target market knows what it is.

Here the headline has one of five tasks:
a) To reinforce the interest of potential customers in your product;
b) To sharpen your image of your product and show that it satisfies this desire;
c) To expand your image of where and when the product satisfies this desire;
d) To introduce new evidence, details of how well your product satisfies this desire;
e) To announce a new mechanism of action in this product

In all cases, the approach is the same. You display the name of

the product – either in the headline or as a large logo – and use the rest of the headline to emphasize its superiority. The rest of the ad then expands on this superiority over the competition – including a visual, i.e. a product demo, technical specifications, and the mechanism of its unique action. An example of a good headline is Ogilvie’s famous ad for Rolls Royce: “At 60 miles an hour, the loudest noise in a Rolls Royce is the electric clock.”

The prospect either knows recognizes that they want what the product offers; but they don’t yet know that there is a product – your product – that will do it. So how do you construct an ad for these people? In the headline, write the desire and/or its solution. Prove that such a solution is possible. And show that the mechanism for achieving it is embd in your product. One of the best examples of such a headline is the worldwide bestseller “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. Another example is the laundry detergent “Who Else Wants Whiter Washing – Without Hard Work”. In summary, you ne to write the desire into the headline of your ad.

The fourth stage is how to advertise products that will satisfy a ne

The prospect has – not a desire – but a ne. He immiately recognizes the ne. But he doesn’t yet realize the connection between satisfying that ne and your product. This is where problem-solving advertising works well. Here you start by naming the ne, or its solution, in the headline. Then dramatize that ne so vividly that the prospect realizes how badly he nes the solution. Then present your product as an inevitable solution. For example, “get rid of back pain without surgery.”

The last stage is how to open a completely unconscious market

The potential customer is either not aware of their desires or nes – or they will not admit it honestly to themselves, without being fool by the advertisement – or the ne is so general that it cannot be summ up in one headline – or it is a secret that cannot be verbaliz. This is one of the most difficult stages of creating a good headline or slogan. Because first, your potential customer does not have a ne, so they are not interest in the price at all. So this is the first hint – do not give this information. The second issue is the name of the product or your company. Do not try to sell to these people at this stage. If you do, they will completely ignore your ads, and you will only pay for empty impressions. At this stage of your market, a direct statement of what your product does, what desires it satisfies or what problem it solves, simply does not interest you. Of course, you can talk about it further in the advertisement, but not at the beginning in the headline. At this stage, you are basically emotionally referring to your. You write an identifying headline. You don’t sell anything, you don’t promise anything, you don’t satisfy anything. Instead, you emphasize the emotion, attitude, satisfaction that chooses people from the crowd and unites them in one place. Do you still remember the Marloboro ads from the 90s? Emotions, attitude… Or another golden example.

How would you laos phone number data encourage potential customers at this stage with a headline to start buying your piano courses? We already know that for the most conscious people.  you could say it directly. For example, an online course in 3 weeks – 50% discount. And here? One of the legendary headlines was.

phone number data

In short

a headline that works in a market at one email lead data b2b mailing list awareness stage won’t work in a market at another awareness stage. It also won’t work in the market where it was successful when that market moves to a new awareness stage.

At this point, we have already explain 2 issues, but there is still a third. One – Do you know what the mass desire is that motivates your market? Two – How much phone number br does your market know about your product? (Their state of awareness.) And three – How many similar products do they already know. This question is easiest to answer, just a few hours of research on competitors’ ads. There are many paid and free tools for this.

In the headline, write the ne or what they want to achieve and nothing more. Dramatize it further in the ad copy – make it as powerful as possible. Then show your product; and prove that it works. Nothing more – because nothing more is ne. If you are second or there are very few competitors, the direct promise still works – now just make it bigger. Take it to the absolute limit. Outdo the competition. For example, “lose 20 kg of fat in 4 weeks or I’ll give you your money back”, or “This diet is so simple, you won’t feel hungry”.

The third stage is when customers already

know the product and have heard almost all the marketing promises. So what to do? You introduce a unique mechanism of action. A different process – a new chance – a completely new possibility of success, in the case of which they previously felt only disappointment. So to sum up – If you are first on the market, you sell your category, if there are competitors, you sell what distinguishes you. How could this whole path look like in an example? Let’s take one of the largest businesses, tobacco. When the market was new and was just starting to advertise, it was mainly promoting good feelings and satisfaction. For example, I’D WALK A MILE FOR A CAMEL. When everyone start advertising this way and you can’t measure the pleasure that a cigarette gives, the promise took the form of increasingly broader comparisons: “LIGHT UP A LUCKY, AND YOU WON’T MISS THE SWEETS THAT MAKE YOU FAT!” But this still can’t be measur, so we move on to the next stage, which is now companies implementing novelties and unique mechanisms of action, e.g.: PALL MALL GREATER LENGTH FILTERS THE SMOKE FURTHER!” At this stage, when everyone creates unique mechanisms of action, something that sets them apart, the brand comes into play and what feelings you build in your recipients.

Now you know how to get start

How to get someone to click and read your ad or copy on your page. It is this copy that now nes to sell. How to do that? There are a few things I will tell you in a moment. These things are techniques for arousing desire. Your job is to fill vague desires with concrete images – to show the desir state in every possible way it can be fulfill – to multiply its power through satisfaction. First, present the product or the satisfaction it provides directly – bluntly – through a detail, in-depth description of what it looks like or what it will do. Now that you have the main description, you can start developing the image. One of the most effective ways to do this is to PUT THE PRODUCT INTO ACTION for the reader. To show not only what the product looks like and what benefits it gives the reader, but also exactly how it does it. If you can, put the reader right in the middle of the product story and demonstrate.

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