Toni Arco is one of the speakers at the #Smarketing19 event , organized by Cyberclick. A day of educational and inspirational talks to turn you into a true marketing expert. It will take place on May 29, 2019, there are streaming and in-person tickets. Check it out!
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You have the interview with Toni Arco on video
And we have also interviewed him on our podcast “Inspiring Mondays”
Interview with Toni Arco, growth hacking expert
What are the keys to designing a good Growth Hacking strategy?
There are many, but I think the first of all is to have a very clear x-ray of Europe Cell Phone Number List starting point (what channels you use, what clients you have, where your conversions come from, what your sales cycle is,…) and to know very well what your goal is. Many times we only talk about sales, growth, billing, but we must define where we want to go in each of the stages of the Growth Hacking funnel .
What qualities define a Growth Hacker?
I would say that they must have, above all, three great qualities:
technical knowledge
and analytical ability.
In addition, the Growth Hacker is fortunate to
Have many tools on the market that help him develop his work and enhance any of the qualities mentioned.
On the other hand
I would like to demystify the growth hacking figure, as it is often a whole team of people . We often think that a growth hacker is just one person and we increasingly see that startups or companies that are How to Build Telemarketing contact list to innovation have several profiles that make up the growth hacking team.
How can growth hacking help companies optimize resources and grow?
It can help in many ways, everything will depend on the type of company and the stage it is in.
Can you give us a reason
Digital marketing never stops evolving and it is super important to be up to date and learn from leading companies and professionals in order not to be left behind. Without a doubt, I think that all marketing professionals are aware that investing in our growth is what will allow us to be competent.